Study Guide
Field 016: Computer/Technology (Subtest I)
Sample Multiple-Choice Questions
Competency 0001
Understand basic principles of computer hardware and software operation and care.
The primary benefit of saving a word-processing document in a text-only format is that it allows the file to be:
- transferred as an e-mail attachment.
- compressed by a utility program.
- imported into a database.
- opened by any word processor.
- Answer
Correct Response: D.
Word-processing software uses custom codes to save a document's formatting. One word-processing program may not be able to interpret the custom codes used by a different word-processing program. Saving a document in a text-only format removes the custom codes and allows a file to be read by any word processor.
Competency 0001
Understand basic principles of computer hardware and software operation and care.
In order for a teacher to use a school's secure local area network, it is necessary that the teacher:
- have an account created by the network administrator.
- understand the network operating system's command structure.
- understand how to navigate the network drives.
- have a dedicated workstation that provides access only to the teacher.
- Answer
Correct Response: A.
For security reasons, access to a school's secure local area network is controlled by the school's network administrator. The network administrator creates each teacher's account and issues the teacher a user name and password that allow the teacher access to the network.
Competency 0002
Understand basic troubleshooting for computers and related peripheral devices.
A classroom computer periodically freezes. Which of the following pieces of information is most important to relay to the technical support staff to best help them solve the problem?
- how many other teachers use the same computer
- what programs were being used when the computer froze
- the number and type of peripherals attached to the computer
- the types of software applications installed on the computer
- Answer
Correct Response: B.
Periodic computer freezing or crashing is usually caused by faulty code in a computer program or by a conflict or incompatibility between the program and the computer's operating system. It is easier for the technical support staff to troubleshoot and identify a problem if they know which programs were running on the computer when it froze.
Competency 0002
Understand basic troubleshooting for computers and related peripheral devices.
While working on a local area network, a teacher encounters a message saying that a certain network drive/volume is not available. This message is referring to a:
- software program.
- group e-mail address.
- location for storing information.
- connection to the Internet.
- Answer
Correct Response: C.
A network drive/volume is a data-storage device on a network. If the network drive is unavailable and cannot be accessed for reading or writing data, a message indicating the drive's unavailability is usually sent to the computer monitor.
Competency 0003
Understand acceptable use policies and legal and ethical issues.
Which of the following is allowed by most single-user software licenses?
- making a backup copy of the software
- allowing teachers to make copies for class use
- installing the software on a network server
- making copies for use by nonprofit organizations
- Answer
Correct Response: A.
Most single-user software licenses allow the owner of the license to install the software on one computer. In addition, the owner is allowed to make a single copy of the software solely for backup or archival purposes.
Competency 0003
Understand acceptable use policies and legal and ethical issues.
It is most important to scan a computer's drives for viruses immediately after:
- installing software from a disk created by a friend.
- defragmenting a computer's hard disk.
- downloading a text file from a government Web site.
- shutting down a computer improperly.
- Answer
Correct Response: A.
A computer virus can be hidden in the files of a software program. Installing software from a disk created by a friend could transfer a virus from the friend's computer files to your computer files. If there is any possibility that an installed program could contain a virus, it is essential to scan the computer's hard disk to detect and remove any virus that may have been acquired.
Competency 0004
Understand privacy, security, and safety issues.
Which of the following best describes the significance of the Children's Internet Protection Act of 2000?
- It provides procedures for tracking and monitoring Internet use by minors in schools.
- It restricts the types of software that can be purchased and installed on school computers.
- It requires all schools to have Internet filters in place in order to receive federal support.
- It specifies the types of Internet activities that can be performed by students in schools.
- Answer
Correct Response: C.
In order for schools to receive federal support, the Children's Internet Protection Act of 2000 requires them to develop and implement an Internet safety policy for students accessing the Internet on school computers. The Internet safety policy must include the use of filtering or blocking technology to protect students from accessing obscene or objectionable material on the Internet.
Competency 0004
Understand privacy, security, and safety issues.
A teacher wants to present a class project on a page of the school's Web site. Which of the following is most important for the teacher to consider before publishing the Web page?
- Photographs of students may not be included on a school Web page.
- The school principal must approve all content related to individual students that is to be included on the Web page.
- Students must agree to have their work published on the Web page.
- Parents/guardians must give consent for any identifying student information to be published on the Web page.
- Answer
Correct Response: D.
In accordance with Ohio Revised Code, Title 33, Section 3319.321., a school's Internet safety policy must require that a student's parent or guardian give his or her consent before information that could identify a student be published on the school's Web page.
Competency 0005
Understand managing records and information.
Use the information below to answer the two questions that follow.

The diagram above represents several entries in a database.
Which of the following terms describes the horizontal rows of the database?
- field
- record
- hypertext
- worksheet
- Answer
- Correct Response: B.
The Electronic Learning Media Database diagram shows a table in which related information is presented horizontally. A database record is a collection of related information. Therefore, each horizontal row in the table represents a database record.
Which of the following best describes an advantage of dividing the second column of the database into two columns: a Name column and a Grade Level column?
- The names of the software products can be edited and revised.
- The database can be enlarged by adding more software titles.
- The database can be sorted by grade level.
- The database will require less computer system memory.
- Answer
- Correct Response: C.
The ability to sort information is one of the greatest advantages of using a database. Database fields can be searched, sorted, and recombined using a variety of commands. Creating separate fields for Name and Grade Level will allow the user to sort or search the database by either grade level or name, in addition to subject or type.
Competency 0006
Understand communicating through multiple forms of media.
Students are planning a budget for a school fundraising event. Which of the following is the most significant benefit of having students use a spreadsheet application to create the budget?
- A variety of different objects can be inserted into a file.
- Numerical data can be displayed in either rows or columns.
- Files can be converted to a portable document format.
- Data can be modified to compare a variety of different situations.
- Answer
Correct Response: D.
A spreadsheet application can be used to analyze numerical data. Data and formulas entered into a spreadsheet can be modified to investigate different scenarios. This capability allows the user to explore how changing data in various cells of the spreadsheet will affect the final result, such as how changing the costs or sales could affect the budget of a school fundraising event.
Competency 0006
Understand communicating through multiple forms of media.
Which of the following is an important design principle to follow when creating Web pages?
- The background should be similar in color to the text being used on the page.
- The size of the image files should be as small as possible to reduce the time it takes for the pages to load.
- As much text as possible should be placed on each page to reduce the time spent navigating.
- Blinking text and animated images should be used as much as possible to emphasize important content.
- Answer
Correct Response: B.
A Web page that loads quickly is an important Web design principle. Digital image files can be large and a Web page containing several large image files can take a long time to load, even on a computer with a fast Internet connection. Reducing the size of the image file will decrease the time it takes a computer to display the elements of a Web page.
Competency 0007
Understand communicating using digital collaborative tools.
A teacher is sending an e-mail message that has a spreadsheet document attached. To open the attachment, the recipient must have:
- the same e-mail program as the teacher.
- the same operating system as the teacher.
- virus-protection software installed.
- a program that is compatible with the file being sent.
- Answer
Correct Response: D.
An e-mail attachment is a convenient way to share a file with another individual. However, in order to open an attached file, the recipient of the attachment must have a computer program installed on his or her computer that is compatible with the program used to create the attached file.
Competency 0007
Understand communicating using digital collaborative tools.
For which of the following purposes is it most appropriate to use an Internet discussion group?
- to participate in real-time discussions online
- to ask questions and provide information on a specific topic
- to ensure that posted information is authoritative and accurate
- to find an index of Web sites addressing a specific topic
- Answer
Correct Response: B.
An Internet discussion group allows individuals to read and post messages to an Internet site that can be accessed by others. Discussion groups are usually organized around a specific topic. Messages posted to a discussion group message board are displayed in an organized manner that makes it easy for others to read and post responses. Individuals use these discussion groups to share information and ask questions about the discussion group topic.
Competency 0008
Understand using electronic research tools and applying information literacy skills.
The Web site of which of the following organizations would likely be most helpful to a teacher who is looking for research papers and journal articles on the use of technology in the classroom?
- Education Resources Information Center (ERIC)
- International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
- Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI)
- International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA)
- Answer
Correct Response: A.
The Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences, is a digital library of educational research and other educational information. The Web site provides research papers, technical reports, policy papers, and journal articles, as well as other types of education-related information.